Chateauneuf du Pape - Wines - Domaine André Brunel - Les Cailloux

13 le Gin - History

Our vineyards with views of Mont Ventoux

In this environment that shapes the unique character of André Brunel Estate wines, two enthusiasts, Fabrice Brunel, heir to an ancestral passion, and Romain Pitaud, committed and iconoclastic cellar master, have joined forces and talents in selecting and blending flavors to create an incomparable gin that embodies the very essence of this fertile land and its harsh yet fruitful climate.


Since the 17th century, our family's winemaking activity has been documented through the acquisition of land from the Bishop of Avignon.

Many generations have succeeded in serving the vineyards, but it wasn't until 1954 that my grandfather, Lucien, created Les Cailloux brand to develop and promote the specificities and qualities of the estate's wines. Henceforth, it became known as Domaine Les Cailloux.

In 1971, my father André took over the management of the estate. Under his leadership, the estate experienced rapid growth: acquiring vineyards in Côtes du Rhône and Vin de Pays, and launching the famous Cuvée Centenaire in 1989. He also introduced significant changes in vineyard management by being one of the first in Châteauneuf-du-Pape to practice cover cropping and to adopt a non-chemical approach to vine cultivation.

In 2012, I joined the estate to begin working with my dad.


Burgundian, epicurean, wine enthusiast and passionate since forever, it was after training in Microbiology and a first experience in the cheese industry that I decided to venture into the world of wine.

In 2011, I had my first cellar experience in Australia. After several vinification experiences, I decided in 2013 to resume my studies in Bordeaux to become an oenologist.

Having obtained my diploma, I had the opportunity to join the Châteauneuf du Pape region to assist the famous oenologist Philippe Cambie during the 2015 harvest. During this enriching experience, I learned a great deal about the wines of the region, its terroirs, and its history.

It was during this experience that I met Fabrice and André Brunel and the wines of the estate whose style I greatly admired. They eventually entrusted me with managing the cellar of the estate. It's alongside them that I continue my apprenticeship on the terroirs and wines of Châteauneuf du Pape, participating in the birth of a legendary vintage, 2016.

The idea of expanding the range of the estate with a product like Gin appeals to me even more as we wanted to, in a certain way, bring together these two products, wine and gin, with common traits. I see gin as a new adventure, a new step in the quest for perfect aromas.


Fabrice (on the left) and Romain (on the right)

The 13 ingredients of our Gin

  • Juniper
  • Coriander
  • Angelic roots
  • Lavander
  • Thym
  • Rosemary
  • Cinnamon
  • Pepper
  • Sichuan Pepper
  • Vanilla
  • Orange peel
  • Cardamon
  • Fennel