Chateauneuf du Pape - Wines - Domaine André Brunel - Les Cailloux

"13 Le Gin" presentation

"13 Le Gin" presentation

Named Le 13, this gin transcends the boundaries of time. It's much more than just a drink; it's a true initiatory journey towards audacity and artisanal tradition. Like the 13 grape varieties authorized for blending our wines, Le 13 uses thirteen ingredients, the combination of which represents a complex harmony of flavors, a powerful whirlwind reminiscent of the vibrant currents of the Rhône, the richness of its terroir, and the harshness of its climate.

A gin born from our experience with fine wines

The underlying idea behind our entire project has been to constantly seek to establish a connection between our gin and our production of fine wines.

Thus, the alcohol used as the base for our gin comes from grape stems and skins sourced from vineyards in the Rhône Valley, which are then distilled to obtain the 96° white alcohol, the first step in making our gin. Since these skins and stems ome from a specific year, it's a vintage gin with characteristics that will vary from year to year.

Some of the chosen ingredients also recall certain characteristic markers of the grape varieties used in our wines. For example, orange peel for grenache or pepper for syrah.

The blending work we do for our wines has been invaluable in determining the precise proportion of each ingredient. This blending process has truly fascinated us.


The goal is to stay true to the lineage of great English gins made with juniper while bringing in a "garrigue" component to recall our Provencal origin (thyme, rosemary), and the wine component explained earlier.


  • A sipping gin

We also decided to create a gin rich in aromas that can be enjoyed on its own, without the addition of tonic (or only lightly sweetened). A twist of lemon or a slice of cucumber will suffice to reveal all its flavors.

  • An organic gin

All the ingredients used in the making of this gin are certified organic.


Notre Gin

13 Le Gin

For more information about our gin,please see our technical sheet.


The 13 ingredients of our Gin

  • Juniper
  • Coriander
  • Angelic roots
  • Lavander
  • Thym
  • Rosemary
  • Cinnamon
  • Pepper
  • Sichuan Pepper
  • Vanilla
  • Orange peel
  • Cardamon
  • Fennel